Martin Bionics™
Training Academy

Fitting an amputee with a MB-Adjust requires some training and support.
Our courses offer CEU credits through ABC Certification.

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What we do

We train practitioners across the globe to fit the Socket-less Socket™ prosthetic technology.

Unique Learning Paths

We provide a step by step guide to fitting all levels of amputation with the Martin Bionics Socket-less Socket.

Video Conferencing

We provide, no cost, phone, text, email and video support to practitioners that need assistance with fitting the Socket-less Socket™.  In person training is also available.

Comfort & adjustability designed and built for all amputees

Video tutorials, printable reference material, CEU credits, certificates, and much more.

Rob Burcham, CP/LP
Director of Sales & Production

Rob Burcham LP/CP has over 20 years of prosthetic experience. Rob completed his undergraduate degree from the University of Oklahoma and Prosthetic Certificate from California State Dominguez Hills. Rob is currently a board member of Wiggle Your Toes and is active in the amputee community volunteering with several other non-profits and lobbying for amputee rights in Texas and Washington DC.  Rob oversees the sales and production departments at Martin Bionics.

John Burger, CPO
Clinical Manager

John Burger graduated with a Certificate from NYU O&P Program.  He went on to get a M.S. from the University of Connecticut in Rehabilitation in 2003. John is currently a board member of LimbFit and travels with them to Ukraine, Turkey and other locations.   John has been a clinical manager for Martin Bionics since June 2021 and works out of Lancaster, PA. doing onsite training and video support calls to help other prosthetists and patients achieve an optimal fitting of the MB-Adjust system.

Benefits of our training programs

Practical approach

Our training is designed to provide the skills in a practical approach. Our practitioners' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Globally oriented

Strategies shared and knowledge earned allows practitioners to immediately begin the process of fitting and offering the MB-Adjust formally the Socket-less Socket™ in their clinics around the world.

For your career

Whether you want to begin fitting the MB-Adjust formally the Socket-less Socket™ for your patients, receive qualified referrals from our Clinical Network Program, or gain CEU credits from ABC, you are working to grow your knowledge and patient base by applying our prosthetic technology, this is the way. 


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Interested in becoming a
Clinical Network Partner?

Gain exposure, receive qualified referrals and access to no cost clinical support.
Our team will get in touch with you for a personal onboarding.
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